Thursday, June 14, 2007

A new and improved (?) Chloe

From this..................................... this! As you can see, we had Chloe groomed....(these pictures were taken about a month and a half ago)...What a change! We could hardly recognize her! At first, Byron thought she looked ugly, but by the time we came home, he liked her! Jared liked her right away, but Trent did NOT! I felt quite "detached" from her for a few hours until her eyes kept telling me she really IS Chloe! Robert was on a week long business trip, so he had a "new" dog when he came home! In one way, her disheveled look just went right along w/ her personality. And now she looks so dignified! Not sure she acts dignified, however! The only trouble is, the spot we took her to did a terrible job..uneven lines (high on one side, low on the other), no blending between the close cut and the longer "skirt", razor burn from cutting so actually showing on her head and behind her ears, we took her to another spot that we heard about....and they tried to fix it as best they could...but we realized time would have to do the rest! And we MISSED our black dog! The people at the "good" place said sometimes those black guard hairs get damaged the way the other place shaved her down, and she maybe would never be black again...she looked so funny being part black (where they left the skirt without even trimming it!) and then tan where they shaved her. At this new place, they actually hand strip the dogs, so their original color is maintained. They'd not seen a schnauzer cut this bad/short for a long time! So now we've taken her back again to the "good" place, and YES, her black hair has started to grow out again, and she is looking SO pretty now! They were able to even her out some, although it was so short, it probably won't all be evened out till next time.Here she is now..... we think she's so pretty now that she's turning black again!