Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow!

Well, in 22 years of knowing Robert, I've never seen him w/o a mustache....that is....until Sunday!He's been saying for a long time that he's going to shave it off, and he finally did! Believe me, it was a huge change! The boys were fascinated, and all day they kept calling him"uncle Roy" b/c he looks so much like Roy again! I kept staring at him all day b/c it just did NOT look like him! At gpl meeting, an older lady said to him "so YOU are still here, huh?" Robert said, Yep, I'm still here....we know she thought he was Roy, since they'd been here recently! Ha! One last smile before the upper lip is changed forever!
Out comes the shaving cream! If only I could record here all the giggles of the boys! Quite the audience! We should have popped popcorn!'s the end result!


Anonymous said...

Wow, Robert. It is not such a huge change since we have seen Roy without his mustache. Were you tired of having to give up the mustache scissors at the airport?
So far I prefer the mustache. We will get used to it. Mom3--6

Anonymous said...

You know, it's hard to decide which look is better 'cuz the fellow looks good either way...but it definitely is a change! Change is good now & then. My hubby wore his moustache about the same length of time, but I did NOT marry him with it, so I was happy when it finally went bye-bye =)