Friday, June 15, 2007

Our Waterfall

Our yard is coming along. We are almost done. Here is our waterfall. The plants are starting to grow and will soon be filling in and hanging over the rock some. I'll post pictures of our completed yard as well as the "during" photos.....sometime this summer anyway!


Anonymous said...

Your waterfall is beautiful & you're really going to love it. We sure enjoy our little one that spills into the jacuzzi; we leave it running most of the time during nice weather when we can hear it through the open window or slider, & I was just now on the patio noticing again how soothing a quiet little water burble is. And then I come in & find the pictures of yours!
And for what it's worth, I think Chloe looks beautiful with her new 'do! It just takes a little getting used to, is all.