Friday, July 27, 2007

Table Rock

Table Rock is a big rock made from sandstone out near Uncle Andy's farm. Growing up, I remember many times going out to Table Rock to go hiking, motorcycling, or even sledding in the winter. Thru the years, many people have carved their names in the rock, so it is always fun to go back and see where we've carved many years ago, or to see some of our relatives' names from Norway, etc. Robert and Tara had never been there, so after a delicious dinner at Andy and Eleanor's, we hiked out there. Here we are piling into the truck to go a little ways further before hiking in.

Carving our names in the rock.

The view is absolutely gorgeous. I believe this is about 15 miles from Dad and Mom's farm.
The sun was setting quickly....the wildflowers were beautiful. It was a highlight of our trip home!


Anonymous said...


Haakon saw the Table Rock pictures and said "I want to go back to onMontana (that is what he calls Montana)"

Now Kyllikki is feeling left out because she read Haakon's name! :-)