Monday, June 30, 2008
Byron was so pleased...Chloe was lying on his leg.....she LOVES her bedroom as we call it....if we can't find her....there she her little den all snug as a bug!
Father's Day Pictures
The boys wanted Chloe in the line-up as well. I have a feeling she'll always be in the back....As for the other boys....well, at the rate they are growing, who knows what the final line-up will look like!
Father's Day
Oooh...a lawn edger!
My dad likes....
Sunday, June 29, 2008
This year the Little League decided to have a "T-ball all-stars game"....Byron was invited to play. It was so exciting for the boys b/c they actually got to play on the real field for the first in real dugouts, etc! Here he is all ready....going for the home run.
The Sandy Beach
This beach was a sandy beach we went can see it's quite a hike down. Was fun.
Miwok Village
While we were there, we toured the Miwok Village. It shows a lot of old Indian houses....the kids sure enjoyed going in them!
They had these little bird-house like openings. Many of them were really quite deep into the ground. Some were sweathouses.
Ocean Time
We so lucked out with the weather. Usually it is so foggy and cold there. Even quite windy. But we ended up shedding most of our layers. It was even clear blue sky!
On top of one of the rocks we climbed up on looking down at the tide pools.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Just a few random pictures from our yard...I'm more of a foliage lover than a flower lover....and I especially love the yellow and purple leaved plants that so contrast with the green....The deep purple plants don't really show up in these pictures....they look faint in color when in actuality they are quite deep!