Sunday, May 20, 2007

Jared is turning 8!

What a sweetie.

Here are some pictures we took of Jared today before his birthday party. Can't believe he is already 8!!! (or will be on the 22nd). He has the honor of sharing his big day w/ Grandpa Howard. We wish we could spend the day together! Happy Birthday Grandpa!!!
animals...any kind, any type! I would not be surprised if he goes into some career where he'd be working w/ animals.
piano!!!! He started taking lessons in October, and is loving it! I never have to tell him to practice, in fact, I have to tell him to get off the piano and do whatever it is he is supposed to be doing!
computer of course! Games are always a fun way to unwind!
sandbox...he spends a lot of time out there imagining things and playing.
art: He love to create, whether it is in artwork or writing stories. He has trouble verbalizing things, even to us, but when it comes to writing, it just flows out of him. He says he's going to be an artist when he grows up!
Last but not least: of the main reasons we got our dog is b/c of him. He "needed" a dog, and she has been so good for him. He loves her to pieces. He's the only one of the five of us who has never shown any frustration w/ her...and he is 100% devoted to her.
He's still very shy, but has come out of his shell a lot this year. He is making great progress in "being brave" and in participating in more activities w/ other kids. He's found some buddies at school, now, so that makes going to school fun for him. He plays farm baseball, and for Jared, that takes a lot of courage to go out there and play. He's also a real laid-back kid.
Height :55 1/4"
Weight: 76 lbs.
Clothes size: 10-12
Shoe size: 5 1/2

And here he was at 9 months old....look at all that hair! He'd already had a major haircut.


Dim and Jana said...

Happy Birthday to Jared! Reese is the 23rd... A good month for birthdays! :) Great pictures of him too.