Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Crazy Hair Day at school

This week there was a Crazy Hair day at school. The boys have thought up some pretty wacky hairdos in the past! This year they were pretty tame! Trent wanted his slicked back for a Draco Malfoy look , and Jared just wanted his gelled in every which direction. Byron wasn't brave enough to try anything new. My favorite crazy hair day was one year, when Trent wanted his hair cut into a Mohawk. Jared did NOT. I cut Trent's hair after Jared was in bed (after weeks of growing it out for this special occasion!). Then next morning, Jared saw Trent's hair and immediately decided it was so cool. Like I had time to really cut another boy's hair before school. But that's another issue. So, as fast as I could, I got Jared's hair cut and all done for his Mohawk (this all being before the 7:30 departure time). As soon as I got it styled, Jared said, "I don't feel well" and promptly puked. Yep..he had stomach flu. And I can' t begin to tell you how funny it was to go in and help him as he lay in the bed, sick as a dog, with a Mohawk!