Saturday, February 23, 2008

Ten-Fourteen fevers and company is my excuse. What's yours?

Hi! I don't know if there will be anybody out there still reading this since it's been so long since I've posted! A month! Yikes! It has been quite a month! We've had sick germs in our house for a month now....influenza (it was bad.....took me about 2 weeks to get completely over it)....colds, chicken pox (2 kids....very mild.....going around school....all the immunized kids are getting extremely mild cases so well worth the shot!), fevers (Byron was sick 2 separate times this month. He likes to check his temperature and give me progress reports. It was staying around ten-fourteen most of the time. Get it? 101.4. I thought that was cute.) Now we've got colds again. Mom and Dad came 2 weeks ago, so we've been busy busy busy in between sicknesses! We've made lefse, shopped, wiped noses, shopped, visited, shopped, eaten lefse, shopped. Well, you get the picture. They are leaving Monday or Tuesday depending on weather. I am not going to post any pictures tonight, but did want to let my readers (if there are any left!) that we are still alive and planning to continue this blog! :) :) Have a good Sunday tomorrow! (The spell check did not like the word lefse!)


Alison said...

We're still here! ;) Sorry to hear of all the sickness. Hang in there... Nice time to have Mom there right? Enjoy some Lefse for us.

Sara M. said...

we are still here! Your loyal blog watchers!

parose said...

No worries...your true and loyal friends wonder how you even find time when everyone is well and no company to keep up this wonderful blog on your family...but we are sure glad you do!
